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Marion’s Recipes


I have always loved cooking, so growing up on a farm with many varieties of fruit was paradise for my imagination when it came to cooking.  Of course, eating fresh is always best, and this is made easy with fruit.  On this page I share some of my favourite recipes,  most of which are fast foods to make with the odd exception for special occasions.  I will occasionally update this page with new recipes. 


Quince Crumble


Just like apple crumble but pink, and with an aromatic flavour, quince is a great replacement for apple in the good old fashioned apple crumble dessert.   My kids love this recipe, it’s their favourite dessert during the winter months. 


600 g (approx.) cooked quince (stewed with a little sugar or ripe Fuji apple until it becomes pink)

¾ cup self raising flour

120 g butter 

5 tablespoons desiccated coconut

5 tablespoons brown sugar


Pre heat oven to 190°C.  Grease a 20cm oven proof dish on the insides with some butter.  Place the cooked quince into this dish and evenly spread over the bottom.  In a bowl, rub the butter into the flour to make an even crumble, stir in the coconut and brown sugar.  Gently and evenly spread the crumble mix over the top of the quince.  Bake in the oven for approximately 30 minutes or until the top becomes crispy golden.  Serve on its own or with cream, yogurt, or ice-cream.  Makes six serves.


Avocado and Apple Salad


This salad can be eaten on its own for breakfast, lunch, or dinner accompanying a main meal, or as a dessert.  Use equal amounts of avocado flesh to apple.  This recipe will make four serves as an accompaniment.


1 large avocado

2 or 3 apples

¼ cup sultanas

1/3 cup lemon or grapefruit juice

2 tablespoons honey


Peel and dice avocado.  Wash and dice apples, retaining skin.  Toss avocado, apple, and sultanas together in a bowl.  Mix juice and honey together, pour over avocado and apple, serve.  Accompany with yogurt if you wish.


                     Lemon Cordial


Simply squeeze lots of lemon juice into a jug, add enough sugar or your preferred sweetener to your taste, and stir well to dissolve sweetener. To use, pour a little into a glass and top with icy cold water.  Store unused cordial in the fridge for a few days.

Simple Avocado Dip


I developed this simple recipe to use at the many avocado promotions I organised.  There is no call for refrigerated ingredients, everything can be taken from the pantry and the fruit bowl.   It’s simple, quick, and tasty. 


1 large avocado

2 teaspoons lemon juice

3 shakes tobasco sauce

¼ teaspoon garlic powder

¼ teaspoon onion powder

Pinch salt and pepper


Scoop the avocado flesh into a bowl and mix in all other ingredients with a fork.  Serve with your choice of favourite dipping food.

Avocado Cheesecake - chilled


It took many tries for me to get this recipe just right.  At the time, the only avocado cheesecake recipes I could find were all baked.  I wanted chilled avocado cheesecake, to retain the nature of the fruit and enhance it into a sweet sumptuous divine dessert, hence I created this recipe.  You should be pleasantly surprised by the response you receive when you serve this up.  I recommend small servings, in which case this recipe makes about ten serves.



250g plain sweet biscuits- crushed

125g melted butter


Mix the butter into the biscuit crumbs then press the mix firmly across the bottom of a 20cm spring form cheesecake tin.  Refrigerate while preparing the filling.



375g cream cheese (Philadelphia)

¾ cup sugar

2 tablespoons lemon juice

2 large avocados

1 tablespoon gelatine

2 tablespoons water

1 cup whipped cream


In a food processor or blender, beat together; cheese, sugar, and lemon juice.  Add the flesh of the avocados and process to a smooth puree.   Put the water in a cup and sprinkle it with the gelatine, place this cup in a hot water bath and wait until the gelatine has dissolved.  Add the gelatine to the filling mixture, beat thoroughly to mix well.  Fold the whipped cream in to the filling mix.  Pour the filling mix over the crust in the prepared tin. Refrigerate for at least 5 hours before removing from tin to serve. To remove the cake from the tin, run a knife around the tin between the filling and the tin before unclipping the tin.


Sauce for Roast Pork


Simply peel, core, slice and cook some quince with some apple if you like, until it is tender all the way through.   No need to add water that only makes the sauce sloppy. Puree and serve.


Marion’s Food Ideas


Try folding pureed avocado into softened vanilla ice-cream, then refreeze for icecream with a difference.


Avocados and apples are known to turn brown after being cut and exposed to the air.  To delay this from happening, plunge the cut fruit into cold water. Leave the fruit there for a few seconds prior to use.  This method can be used instead of squeezing lemon juice over the fruit if you don't want the flavour of lemon through your food. 


When heating avocado only warm it slightly.  You need to be very careful when heating avocados, too much heat can make the oils of this fruit rancid and change it's flavour completely.  This will be more noticeable as the fruit attains higher oil levels as it matures on the tree.   


Stew quince while in season and store portions in the freezer for later use when this fruit is not available.  Having the frozen fruit on hand will also save time to put a recipe together at short notice.​


Vacuum seal sliced quince into usable portions and store in the freezer for later use. 


For more avocado recipes go to Australian Avocados.

Marion's Recipes

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